1. Download latest version of Maven from https://maven.apache.org/download.cgi
(just unzip maven in a folder- no other installation required)
2. Goto Window->preferences->AnyPointstudio->Maven settings
- Add Maven path in Maven install home directory
3. Go to Window->preferences->Java->Installed JREs
- JRE location - change to JDK path
Create sample Mule project and try running the app as Maven app.
Now the build process will download all dependent poms and jars, it takes a while
4. While downloading if encounter a problem of permission denied:
add Maven options in (Window->preferences->AnyPointstudio->Maven settings)
MAVEN_OPTS environment variable ad "-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true" (no quotes)
- JRE location - change to JDK path
Create sample Mule project and try running the app as Maven app.
Now the build process will download all dependent poms and jars, it takes a while
4. While downloading if encounter a problem of permission denied:
add Maven options in (Window->preferences->AnyPointstudio->Maven settings)
MAVEN_OPTS environment variable ad "-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true" (no quotes)