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Sunday, July 23, 2017

http URL not calling in Angular

Http uses rxjs and is a cold/lazy observable, meaning that you should subscribe to it to make it work.
  this.http.get(``).map((response:Response) => {
Or if you want to subscribe from somewhere else , you should return the http.get method like this : :
       return this.http.get(``).map((response:Response) => {
and then :

building and Deploying Google Firebase cloud functions

$ firebase deploy --only functions
$ firebase deploy --only functions:addMessage

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Cannot set variable of undefined

when variable not set in function "then" block, this doesnt work, need to a copy of "this" reference with in the calling function.

down voteaccepted
Either you can use arrow function
firebase.database().ref('/userProfile/' + user.uid).once('value')
.then((snapshot) => {
or use
var self = this;

firebase.database().ref('/userProfile/' + user.uid).once('value')
.then(function(snapshot) {
   self.isAdmin = true;
otherwise this doesn't point to the current function when it's called.

Monday, July 17, 2017

promise-polyfill error while using Firebase in Angular

ERROR in ./~/firebase/app/shared_promise.js

Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'promise-polyfill'

npm install promise-polyfill --save-exact

Friday, July 14, 2017

continuous integration | angular cli + firebase + travis ci

Angular project with gitHub

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Udemy course videos download

CourtesyPankaj Barnwal, Quora (

How to Download your subscribed course videos from Udemy:

If you don't mind getting your hand dirty in coding, may i suggest you a python script 'python-dl' which is best to download videos from the mentioned course site.
Step-by-step Guide -
if you dont have pip installer, have it installed via following command-
  1. sudo apt install python-pip
Now download python script "python-dl" through pip install-
  1. sudo pip install udemy-dl
Below is the command to download entire udemy course using this script
  1. udemy-dl course-link
Next type your username & password and you will be good to go, or you can type them in the same sentence like this
  1. udemy-dl -u username -p password course link
Advance Usage - This is where it gets fun. if you want to download specific video from the list, use following command -
  1. udemy-dl -u username -p password --lecture-start lecture No where you want download to start --lecture-end end point
For Example -
  1. udemy-dl -u -p HND$#$5 --lecture-start 52 --lecture-end 58
Note - This script does not pull written docs but it works great for videos.