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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Migrating Mantis from one server to other in ubuntu

1. tar/zip your mantis folder (in /var/www/)
tar command to compress:
tar -czpf <..tar file name (destination file name with extention:tar.gz)...> <..source directory..>

Extract command:
tar -zxvf <..tar.gz file..>

2. move it to your home folder (/home/ubuntu)

3. Use SCP to copy from remote server to local machine ( can copy directly to another remote server)
4. Use SCP to copy from local server to new remote server

SCP command:
Copy from remote server to local machine:
scp -i <..your .pem file...> user@ip-address:/home/ubuntu/<..tar.gz file..> <..local folder..>

Copy from local machine to remote server:

scp -i <..your .pem file...> <..local folder..> user@ip-address:/home/ubuntu/<..tar.gz file..>

5. Extract mantis tar.gz in remote folder in /var/www folder (Apache, Mysql client and Mysql server and PHP must have installed in new server refer other article to install LAMP)

6. Copy mantis database from old server (can use phpmyadmin to connect to old server)
7. Import mantis database in new server (can use phpmyadmin to connect to NEW server)
8. Can change DB connection setting in config_inc.php inside mantis folder

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